"Leaders identify pupils with SEND early and accurately. They create well-thought-through support plans to ensure that pupils learn successfully."
Ofsted - 2022


We believe it is really important that children have a healthy, nutritious and tasty meal at lunchtime.

There is lots of research showing that a balanced school dinner can help concentration levels in lessons, and develop long term healthy eating habits.

School Dinners are currently £2.70 per day.
If you would like your child to have school dinners please contact the office.

N.B. - All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to free school meals.

Our children enjoy healthy school dinners prepared on the premises by Chartwell Catering, who work to current health and safety, and food hygiene regulations. 

More information about our caterers can be found here.

Please make payments via ParentMail.  Balances can be topped up in the 'Dinners' section.

If you think your child is entitled to free school meals, please visit Central Bedfordshire Council for the latest  guidelines. Did you know you could be over £500 better off a year with Free School Meals? Plus you are also helping your school get extra funding. 

Please click on the menu to see the full 3 week rolling menu. 

Autumn Winter Dinner Menu 2024/25

We are a healthy school:

Our children stay healthy at school because they are encouraged to:-

Take part in vigorous physical activity.
Besides PE lessons our younger classes have lots of opportunities for physical play, using bikes and other equipment outside.
Everyone is encouraged to have active playtimes.

Eat healthily.
Children from the Foundation Stage up to Year 2 are able to have a fruit or vegetable snack at morning play (this is provided by the NHS). Children in Years 3 and 4 may bring their own fruit or vegetable snack. Children in the Pre-School, Nursery and Reception Class have milk or water available each session. Children in other years have the opportunity to buy milk.

Drink to think.
Research has shown that our brains need hydrating regularly. Children (in Years 1 to 6) should bring a sports bottle of water to school each day, which they can have in the classroom to use throughout the day. This should be separate from their lunchtime drink. Fresh water is available in all areas of the school.


If your child has a packed lunch, you can help your child by packing a healthy lunchbox.
We encourage children to bring a healthy mix of sandwiches, fresh fruit or vegetable snack. No fizzy drinks, chocolates or sweets please.

If you would like some ideas, why not try the following links:-

Healthy Packed Lunch Leaflet

www.NHS.co.uk - Lighter Lunches
