"Pupils know whom they can talk to if they have worries. They feel that their concerns are taken seriously. This helps pupils to feel safe."
Ofsted - 2022

Prayer and Worship

Prayer and worship hold a central and vital role in the daily life of our school. We are committed to nurturing our children’s spiritual growth by providing a variety of worship and prayer experiences.

Our day begins and ends with prayer and we gather in prayer before lunch. Additionally, there are opportunities for spontaneous prayer, allowing for personal expression of faith.  Each class has a liturgically-based prayer table which acts as a focus for their prayer.

Our children are taught a selection of traditional prayers in each year group but are also encouraged to write their own prayers. The week starts with a whole-school Act of Worship drawing inspiration from Sunday’s Gospel. Children engage in worship on a daily basis this takes a variety of forms: whole-school, key stage and class.

Child led worship

Our children have the opportunity to plan and lead worship in school. This takes a variety of forms from the Respond at the end of their RE topic, class assemblies and worship using the CAFOD and Missio resources. All worship follows the structure: Gather, Word, Respond and Mission. 

The Faith Ambassadors run a weekly Prayer Pals session and a Mindfulness group, both of which are well attended.

School Masses 

Masses are an integral part of our school community. As a whole school, we come together for Mass on significant occasions throughout the liturgical year, including feast days and Holy Days of Obligation. These masses take place either in school or at St Mary’s Church. 

Preparation for school Masses involve active participation from our children. They contribute by writing intercessions and assisting in the set up. They actively engage during Mass by serving and reading. We warmly invite parents, families and local parishioners to join us.

Praise and Worship 

KS1 and KS2 gather on Tuesday mornings, to practise hymns and songs, often linked to the Gospel that we use for our collective worship and Mass.

Celebration Assembly 

The whole school comes together on Friday mornings, to celebrate the achievements of our children in living out our virtues. A child from each class receives a certificate because they have demonstrated the virtue. Children are also encouraged to bring in awards they have received outside of school.